
Media, including our appearance on La 1 de TVE; awards, like the one won by Vortex´s founder for Female Entrepreneur in Valencia; representation at the most significant industry conferences, both nationally and internationally; mentions in various articles as one of the best coworking spaces in Valencia, across Spain, and even Europe. And if these references are not enough, take a look at our Google Maps listings where our coworking spaces boast the most and best ratings in Valencia

Vortex Coworking in the media:

European Conferences

Coworking Europe Conference CWEC | Amsterdam 2022

CWEC, the biggest European meeting of coworking space operators, in which our CEO was a keynote speaker, talking about the importance of community in coworking spaces.

    National    Conferences

Coworking Spain Conference CWSC | Valencia 2022

CWSC, the biggest national meeting of coworking space operators, in which our CEO  participated at a round table to discuss Valencia’s growing coworking industry.


         News: Press            EL PAÍS

Entrepreneurs: Remote work gives coworking its comeback

In the news! The newspaper El País dedicates an article to the impact of the pandemic on teleworking, and how it can bring new opportunities to coworking spaces –, choosing Vortex Coworking for the cover image.

TV: Informe Semanal TVE

             Report:           «Today I´m work from home»   31-10-2020

TVE’s most experienced news reporter analyses how the pandemic has changed the way we work, and interviews us about how coworking works.



Espacios coworking: más que trabajar en remoto

¡En prensa! La revista Yorokobu dedica un artículo a los espacios coworking, donde profesionales de referencia (Vortex entre ellos) comparten reflexiones sobre lo que acucia al sector.

Plaza Radio

“La tarde con Marina” 25-02-2021

¡En la radio! Plaza Radio es una emisora, centrada en la actualidad social, política y deportiva de Valencia. Nos sentamos con Marina para hablar sobre pandemia y teletrabajo.

Awards and honours:

Global Startup Awards 2023 

An event that recognises, celebrates and connects the entrepreneurial global ecosystem , in which we won the 2023 award for Best Coworking Space in Southern Europe.

Google Maps: más y mejores reseñas

El mejor reconocimiento, el de nuestros coworkers y usuarios: nuestros espacios de coworking en Valencia cuentan en sus perfiles de Google Maps con el mayor número y mejores valoraciones de Valencia. 

       Sustainability         Award

Special Mention for ‘Innovation project for a sustainable city’, for Vortex Coworking at the Valencia Social and Urban Innovation Awards 2020, recognizing our sustainability efforts.

Female Entrepreneur Award

First Prize Female Entrepreneur in Valencia 2019 to the founder of Vortex Coworking, Cristina Trilles, for her outstanding work in promoting the creation of companies and female self-employment.

One of the best coworking space in Valencia, Spain and Europe, according to:

The 100 Best Spaces in Europe

Ridestore selected the 100 best coworking spaces in Europe, among which Vortex Coworking appears as the best space in Valencia.

The best coworking spaces in Spain

Coworking Booking, an international coworking spaces platform, chooses Vortex as the main coworking space in Valencia.

10 best coworking spaces in Valencia 

According to Surfoffice, our coworking spaces are the top, standing out for our vibrant and diverse community of entrepreneurs.

The best coworking spaces in Valencia

Valencia Top, a platform where you can find high-calibre professionals and businesses in Valencia, places our spaces at the top of its list of the best coworking spaces in Valencia.

The most outstanding coworking spaces

Coworking Online selects the seven most outstanding workspaces in Valencia, with our existing locations in the first and second spots.

            Living in          Valencia: Coworking Spaces

Valencia für Deutsche, a website for German expats who live in Valencia, shares useful recommendations for life in the city, including Vortex as the best coworking space.

Coworking in Valencia: the 5 best workspaces

Coworker is one of the main workspace search platforms and highlights Vortex Coworking in its selection of the best coworking spaces in Valencia and Spain.

          The 5 best             Coworking Spaces       in Valencia

Empleo Marketing presents a list of the best coworking spaces in Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia, among which is Vortex Coworking as one of their favourites.

10 de los mejores coworking de Valencia

Según Travelmag, uno de los mejores coworking por dos motivos: la comunidad de profesionales y nuestros “dos luminosos y vibrantes espacios ubicados en barrios populares con excelentes conexiones de transporte público cercanas.”

Listado de los 10 mejores coworking de Valencia

Según el equipo de Ohla Creative, Vortex Coworking se posiciona como uno de los mejores coworking en Valencia: “cada vez más autónomos, freelance y propietarios de pequeñas empresas….”

Valencia coworking spaces

Valencia für Deutsche, website focus on german expats who live in Valencia. They share useful recommendations for their life in the city, including the best coworking spaces where Vertex is considered the number one.

What does our community thinks?

Hi Coworking searcher! Looking for a coworking with a real community vibe? Then this is your place. I started my own business this year from home. I loved it! I had the freedom of doing whatever I wanted to do and was very productive (at least that's what I thought...). A friend of mine convinced me to go checkout Vortex for a couple of days, just for fun. So I did, and I loved it. I was doubting a bit regarding the costs (I've only just started), but last week I worked a day from home and I didn't do anything. So for me, it's really worth the money. And I love having 'colleagues' around.

Annet Ent Avatar Annet Ent

Working as an intern at Vortex Centro the team was an amazing international experience. My favourite memory was meeting people from all walks of life and the multilingual community coming from diverse backgrounds, whilst co-managing the coworking space and boosting the digital marketing strategy with the team. Such a welcoming coworking space committed to its members with beautiful rooms with views.

Cassina Subero Avatar Cassina Subero

Hello Vortex team. Thank you all for a wonderful time with you at Vortex Centro. I loved your beautiful historic rooms. Its elegant, cozy and great atmosphere for work. In addition, it is close to the City center and Mercado Colón. Christina, Andrea and the team are great and bring a warm community feeling into it. I love to come back next year...As you know, I like your seminars. 😉 ***highly recommend Vortex + their close partners. ME ENCANTA VORTEX! 😀 Os echo de menos a todos y a Valencia Saludos Tom de alemana

Thomas Eberlein Avatar Thomas Eberlein


Cámara de Comercio España

Cámara de Comercio Valencia

TIC Cámaras de Comercio

Fondos Europeos

Vortex Coworking S.L. has benefited from the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to improve the use and quality of information and communication technologies and access to them, thanks to the fact that it has developed the web presence project through the website owners to improve the competitiveness and productivity of the company during the year 2021. For this, it has had the support of the “Tic Cámaras” program of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce. A way to make Europe

Vortex Coworking S.L. has benefited from the European Social Fund, whose objective is to promote the sustainability and quality of employment and, thanks to which it has proceeded to hire young beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System, supporting the reduction of the youth unemployment rate in Spain through the promotion of contracting in 2019 and 2021. For this, it has had the support of the “Acquisition Plan – PICE” of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce. A way to make Europe.