About Wellness

Vortex: sustainable coworking spaces

Vortex: sustainable coworking spaces 650 418 Vortex Coworking

The effects of climate change are being felt around the world. Now, more than ever, we all need to be aware of this on both a macro level and in…

Activities and events for our community

Activities and events for our community 650 487 Vortex Coworking

As we told you in our first blog My history with Vortex Coworking. Vortex, in Latin, means vortex. Why this name? More than a coworking space, we want to be…

Combine work, sport and beach with Vortex Coworking

Combine work, sport and beach with Vortex Coworking 1600 1200 Cristina

If you have to work this summer, do it from the beach. With Vortex Coworking it is possible: Vortex Playa, our first coworking space in Valencia, is located a few…

Advantages of sports in the morning

Advantages of sports in the morning 1024 576 Cristina

We are all aware of the advantages of practicing some sport, even at the amateur level. But when it comes time to prepare our calendar of activities, we always have…

Valencia city of running

Valencia city of running 650 432 Vortex Coworking

The word Running has become so fashionable here that Spanish people no longer use their own language for this sports activity. And we, as humans, have run since our origins,…