
Coworking Valencia

Virtual Office: your commercial address in Valencia

Virtual Office: your commercial address in Valencia 650 432 Vortex Coworking

What business location do you think will give your customers the most confidence at work? One located in an area with commercial and financial relevance? Or in an area that…

Everyday essentials at Vortex Coworking Playa

Everyday essentials at Vortex Coworking Playa 650 433 Vortex Coworking

If you’ve just joined our coworking space at Cabanyal Vortex Playa don´t miss this post about our neighborhood essentials to fully enjoy your day-to-day at the office: 10 Must Visit…

Activities and events for our community

Activities and events for our community 650 487 Vortex Coworking

As we told you in our first blog My history with Vortex Coworking. Vortex, in Latin, means vortex. Why this name? More than a coworking space, we want to be…